How Thought Leadership (Without Self-Promoting) Will Win You Your Next Client

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As a fractional executive or independent consultant, you've likely heard about the importance of having a strong LinkedIn presence. But if you're like many professionals, you might be hesitant to dive in. Perhaps you're worried about self-promotion, feel you have nothing unique to say, or are uncomfortable with putting yourself out there. Today, we're going to dispel these concerns and show you how authentic LinkedIn content can be your secret weapon for building trust, generating leads, and growing your business.

Why LinkedIn Matters for Fractional Experts

With over a billion users, LinkedIn is the premier platform for B2B networking and thought leadership. For fractional executives, it's an unparalleled opportunity to showcase your expertise, connect with decision-makers, and attract high-quality clients. But the key to success isn't in hard selling or self-promotion – it's in sharing authentic, valuable content consistently.

The Power of Personal Experience

The most engaging LinkedIn content comes from sharing your own professional experiences. You don't need to reinvent the wheel or have a groundbreaking perspective on every industry trend. Instead, focus on your unique journey:

  1. Projects you've worked on and their outcomes
  2. Lessons learned from failures or rejections
  3. Interesting experiences from your career
  4. New skills or insights you've gained
  5. Challenges you've overcome in your business

By sharing from your personal "I" perspective, you're automatically creating unique content. No one else has lived your exact experiences, making your posts inherently original and valuable.

Authenticity Over Self-Promotion

Forget about trying to impress everyone or overtly selling your services. The most engaging posts are often those that show vulnerability or share moments when things didn't go as planned. This authenticity resonates with people and builds real connections.

For example, a post about a time when a project went sideways, and how you recovered, will likely perform better than a post simply listing your accomplishments. People appreciate honesty and relate to the struggles we all face in our professional lives.

An Example

The below post by Mylance’s founder Bradley Jacobs was a story about Uber’s go to market strategy vs Lyft. It took him 15 minutes to write, and was simply a story from his experience. It ended up getting over 700,000 impressions, generating 22 inbound leads for his consulting business.

Note at no point in the post is any reference to his consulting business. But he’s legitimizing his experience through the story. 

Consistency: The Secret Sauce

Success on LinkedIn doesn't happen overnight. As someone who's been posting 4-5 times a week for five years, I can attest that consistency is key. Here's what I've learned:

  • Most posts will get modest engagement (5-10 likes is average)
  • Viral hits are rare (I've had only 4-5 in 5 years)
  • The magic is in the cumulative effect of regular posting

Even if a single post doesn't get much traction, your consistent presence builds trust over time. Your audience learns to expect and look forward to your insights, and your authority in your field grows steadily.

The Real Benefits of LinkedIn Content

Creating content isn't just about likes and shares. Here's what it really gets you:

  1. Trust and legitimacy with your audience: Over time, your consistent valuable content establishes you as a credible expert in your field.
  2. A growing network of potential clients: By regularly adding new connections (aim for 70-100 per week) and providing value through your content, you're constantly expanding your pool of potential clients.
  3. Inbound leads: As your reputation grows, people will start reaching out to you for advice or services.
  4. Easier sales conversations: When you get on a call with a prospect who's been following your content, they already know your story and value. The sale becomes much easier.
  5. Invitations to speak or collaborate: Increased visibility often leads to opportunities like podcast appearances or speaking engagements.

Getting Started: Practical Tips

  1. Brain dump your experiences: Spend 20 minutes listing all the professional experiences you could potentially share. Don't filter yourself – write down everything.
  2. Use AI tools to brainstorm: Feed your brain dump into ChatGPT to generate even more content ideas. This can easily give you months' worth of post topics.
  3. Start with written posts: They're easiest to create and schedule in batches. Aim to write 10 posts in one sitting, then schedule them over the next two weeks.
  4. Experiment with video: Once you're comfortable with written posts, try simple, authentic videos. Even just recording yourself talking on a walk can be highly engaging. You don't need professional equipment – your smartphone is enough to get started.
  5. Add new connections daily: Focus on decision-makers in your ideal customer profile. This ensures your growing content reaches the right audience.
  6. Engage with others: Don't just post – comment on others' posts, especially those in your target market. This increases your visibility and builds relationships.

Content Structures That Work

While authenticity is key, having a structure can make creating content easier. Here are some proven formats:

  1. Story-based posts: Share a specific experience and the lesson learned.
  2. "Unpopular opinion" posts: Challenge a common belief in your industry.
  3. List posts: Share top tips or common mistakes in your area of expertise.
  4. Behind-the-scenes posts: Give a glimpse into your work process or day-to-day life as a fractional executive.
  5. Case study posts: Share (anonymized) results from client work.

Overcoming Self-Doubt

Many people hesitate because they think their knowledge is "common sense" or uninteresting. Here's a mindset shift: What's common knowledge to you might be fascinating to someone else. Even if a follower already knows what you're sharing, you're demonstrating that you have the expertise to implement it – which could lead to them hiring you.

Remember, your content doesn't need to be groundbreaking to be valuable. Often, people appreciate reminders of best practices or seeing their own experiences reflected in your posts.

Measuring Success

While consistent posting is crucial, it's also important to track what's working. Pay attention to:

  • Which types of posts get the most engagement
  • What times of day your posts perform best
  • Which topics resonate most with your audience

Use these insights to refine your content strategy over time.

The Call to Action: Just Start Posting

The most important thing is to simply begin. Don't worry about perfection or immediate results. As you post consistently, you'll naturally improve and find your voice. You'll see what resonates with your audience and refine your approach over time.

Start with a goal of posting three times a week. As you get more comfortable, increase your frequency. Remember, every post is an opportunity to reach potential clients and build your authority.


Creating authentic LinkedIn content is one of the most powerful ways to build your fractional consulting business. By sharing your unique experiences and insights consistently, you'll establish trust, attract ideal clients, and position yourself as a go-to expert in your field.

So, what are you waiting for? Take that first step today. Write down your experiences, craft your first post, and start building your LinkedIn presence. Your future clients are out there, waiting to hear what you have to share. The sooner you start, the sooner you'll see results.

Remember, in the world of fractional consulting, your experiences and insights are your greatest asset. LinkedIn is your stage – use it wisely, use it consistently, and watch your business grow.


This value-added article was written by Mylance. Mylance takes your marketing completely off your hands. We build the marketing machine that your Fractional Business needs, but you don't have time to run. So it operates daily, growing your brand, completely done for you.

Instead of dangling numbers in front of you, our approach focuses on precise and thoughtful input: targeted outreach to the right decision makers, compelling messaging that resonates, and content creation that establishes trust and legitimacy.

To apply for access, submit an application and we'll evaluate your fit for the service. If you’re not ready for lead generation, we also have a free, vetted community for top fractional talent that includes workshops, a rates database, networking, and a lot of free resources to support your fractional business.

Written by:

Bradley Jacobs
Founder & CEO, Mylance

I help tech professionals refine your consulting niche so you can land 5-figure per month consulting deals.